Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sesuai dengan tema kita pada hari ini, maka saya ingin membagikan beberapa kalimat Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri dalam bahasa inggris. Dan bisa anda gunakan tuk mengirim pesan ke teman-teman anda menggunakan sms, bbm atau via email. Semoga bermanfaat ;)

Oh iya, saya selaku admin dari blog ini, juga ingin mengucapkan: 

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433H 
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin 

And here they are:

Faith makes all things possible.
Hope makes all things work.
Love makes all things beautiful.
May you have all of the three.
Happy Iedul Fitri.

If words could kill,
I think many people have died because of mine.
And if that’s including you,
I would like to apologize for all that I’ve done..
Happy Idul Fitri!

One day ago, I could see you anxious waiting for this day
One week ago, I saw you longing for the dusk to end the day
One month ago, you were there waiting for the Ramadhan to stand
And right one year ago, you were beside me rejoicing on the day of grande
It’s me your friend with the rest of my family
Wishing you another blessed Idul Fitri.

When it’s black turn white,
when it’s dark turn light,
when a mistaken,
turn forgiveness,
Happy Idul Fitri.

The time has come for every soul to purify heart
for every man to begin a new life &
for us to let all mistakes forgiven &
forgotten, amien.
Happy Idul Fitri.

Purify your hearts with the remembrance
Enlightened soul with love
Through the day with a smile
Set step with gratitude
Purify the heart with an apology
congratulations Idul Fitri
Minna wa Minkum TaqobbaLallaHu
Minal aidin wal faidzin

I met Iman, Taqwa, Patience, Peace, Joy, Love, Health & Wealth today.
They need a permanent place to stay.
I gave them your address.
Hope they arrived safely to celebrate Idul Fitri with you.
May Allah bless you and family

No Card, No Ketupat, No Parcel, Just SMS Represents Everything …Sins… Laugh.. Tears.. Happy ‘Iedul Fitrie.

I’d like to wish you a holy Iedul Fitri and express my cincerest apology. I beg your mercy for all of my sins. May Us be fitri.

Time 2 share, Time 2 love, Time 2 pray, Time 2 forgive, Time 2 joy, Time 2 cheer, Time 2 gather, Time 2 back, Back 2 fitri

Potato chip without salt is on the table. Relationship without fault is impossible. Minal aidin wal faizin.

No Card, No Ketupat, No Parcel, Just Represents by our SMS... 
Everything... Sins... Laugh... Tears... 
Happy ‘Iedul Fitrie.

4 komentar:

  1. Permisi admin,

    Mana tau ada yang berminat

    Tersedia software pembelajaran bahasa inggris

    Cara belajar bahasa inggris

    Learning english never been this easy!

  2. Terima kasih atas informasinya min.. Ane Terbantu banget ^^
